Saturday, November 14, 2009

Strength for the Father

There are two laddders facing eachother. One ladder stands against a wall, straight as can be, standing strong, easy for anyone to climb and reach a higher place. The other ladder stands erect with no support, the slightest breeze can tip the ladder, make it crash to the ground. One day, the ladder against the wall starts to fall away from the wall, its rungs overused, supports withering, but at the same time, a wind blows the unsupported ladder over. The freestanding ladder catches the formerly stable one and pushes it back up against the wall, forcing it to stand straight. The untouched ladder now leans against the former pillar of strength, forcing it to remain against the wall, forcing it to feign its former strength. People continue to use the ladder, they step on its rust, use its crumbling foundation to further themselves. And all the while, one ladder supports the other. Over time, the rungs break. One by one, being crushed underfoot. The two side foundations crash in to eachother as the last rung breaks, snapping the ladder in half. It crumbles to the ground in a heap of rust and dust as the still new ladder clatters against the wall where it used to be.

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